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Our selected menu

38. Steak

Approximately 250g. Served with potato wedges, fresh salad, and mayo dip

29. Deluxe "Stjerneskud"

With 2 fried plaice fillets and hand-peeled shrimp, smoked salmon, asparagus, caviar and eggs, flatfish in dill marinade, crab meat, lemon, fresh salad, tomato, cucumber

The House Burger

Beef 200g, cheese, bacon, rocket, salad, red onion, cucumber, pepper. Served with potato wedges and mayo dip

Find us here


Aalborgvej 8, 9492
Blokhus, Danmark

Phone & Email

Tlf.: +45 70 23 17 61
Email: kontakt@cafebenjaminblokhus.dk

Opening Hours

All days: 12am - 9pm